Tanology By Emma | Spray Tan Artist

Hailed As The Only Inch Loss System To Really Work By Channel 4's How To Look Good Naked
How many times have you tried dieting and exercise without the results you wanted? No matter how well we stick to our healthy eating and exercise plan, there always seem to be a few stubborn inches that won’t budge. In today’s busy world there simply isn’t time to devote to long workouts that don’t target your problem areas Arasys System just might be the answer to your weight-loss woes.
Arasys uses breakthrough technology that burns fat and tones, firms & lift's your body without devoting the time and energy to workouts. The treatment sends bioelectric signals to your muscles to cause them to contract and relax just like they would during exercise.
A 17-minute Arasys treatment burns the same amount of fat as 300 situps, and without the fatigue and soreness, you’d experience post-workout. The treatments are able to target even those stubborn problem areas of cellulite to firm and slim.
Results will be seen quickly, usually after the first session, but you’ll see maximum results after completing a series of treatments and you can expect to drop a dress size in as little as 3 weeks! The Arasys inch-loss system is an FDA-approved treatment that is safe and non-invasive, so there is no downtime. The highly efficient muscle contractions produced by the stimulating device cause no trauma at all to your muscles, meaning no side effects like strains or sore muscles. You’ll get the effects of exercise, losing two to nine inches by the end of your treatment schedule without the effort.

Call 07793 526929 for info
Nadine Baggot - GMTV
Eve Cameron – Cosmopolitan
Elle Magazine
Harpers & Queen
Reviewed live on GMTV on a Friday; the test subject, Gillian (Size 16), lost over 2 inches from only one 20 minute Arasys treatment. After the treatment Gillian said she felt “much more toned” around her tummy and bum. She reported that she still felt toned even after the weekend.
“The perfect lunchtime treatment”
“I have always been cynical about weight loss treatments that claim to tone you up and give you inch-loss… As far as the Arasys inch-loss system goes, I’m a convert!” “I lost two and a half inches from my waist, six from my hips and bottom and two inches from each thigh… I felt more toned too, as if I’d been following an exercise programme”
“The Arasys 3 Inch Loss System offers the perfect toning alternative. While you relax watching TV and let the machine do the work for you, all within twelve 20 minute sessions. It took only 2 weeks to go from a size 14 to 12, the equivalent to three months in the gym.”
“Arasys offers the perfect toning alternative. While you relax on the beauty couch, carefully placed pads work slack muscles to astounding effect, and all in only ten, 20 minute sessions” “After only four sessions the bottom became higher, the thighs tighter and the waistband looser” “With Arasys it took two weeks to achieve results which, in a gym, would have taken two months”